Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I can't believe I sacrifice my skin....

Today I had gone to water park and have fun. I know that I'll get sun burn but I still sacrifices my skin to accompany my friend and my sister to play under the hot sun. =(Ha Ha Ha Ha)=. But I still have fun.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today I go gallevanting with my family. Then my mischevious sister bought a handphone. So small already can buy handphone. Isn't too good for her?? Anyway I don't even bothering what she's having::::::::

I hate it

Sitting beside me is Ham Kai Mun as known as "na pek". He always acts like a girly-girl.He is also very annoying. When people eject him he will do what the people says so this also his weakness. He also scared people's score higher than him inthe exam....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Banana

I remembered when before I sit for my UPSR exam, a banana was putted in my bag from my sister.I was so suprised when I found the banana in my bag because they say banana can make you calm down when you're nervous.I was very funny when my friend saw the banana.....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The test

Today got chemistry test.I was very nervous before the test.But when the test is going on,I set my mind on it and every thing was fine.


Today I tell my primary friend on msn say that how to use the "LEMON"(SOUR huh?).Then she ask me is it that yellow thingi??I feel it is quite funny.^^Long time never chat with her already.